(rated R) Being kept under tight wraps by Artisan Entertainment, is the much anticipated sequel to last year’s success in the newborn cult thriller the “Blair Witch Project.” In the first film, a group of young filmmakers travel into the woods to make a documentary about the legend of an evil force called the Blair Witch, and though their videotape is found, none of the filmmakers are ever seen again. In this latest sequel, that same videotape–which has now been viewed by millions of people–has created curiosity and a huge tourist industry surrounding both the legend and the woods in Burkittsville, Maryland. One local entrepreneur, hiding a past as a patient in a mental institution, creates The Blair Witch Hunt, an adventure tour of the haunted woods which he advertises on the Internet. This time, newcomers, pitch a tent in the woods where all kinds of creepy-crawler things start to happen. Last year’s Heather, Michael and Josh are not dead, and Blair Witch may have just been a movie, but this year’s new groupie group of four victims may not be. Hhhmmmmm…..