When Superman (Brandon Routh) returns to Earth from the destroyed planet Krypton, this latest story of the most beloved of comic-book superheroes soars to a new level, complete with mesmerizing special effects. There are no phone booth costume-changes this time, and now Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) has become a ‘single working mom’ with a child. And there’s a male testosterone thing going on – a love triangle between Lois, Clark Kent/Superman and Richard White (James Marsden) the child’s assumed father. The old-faithful storyline remains – a newsroom run by Perry White (Frank Langella) with Jimmy Olsen (Sam Huntington) ‘yes-ing’ everybody to death – and of course, there’s Lex Luthor, who makes a career out of being evil; Kevin Spacey seems to be having a really good time with the role. Routh is as beautiful to look at as Christopher Reeve was in the 1978 version, but the cinematography is so brilliant it threatens to overpower Superman more effectively than Luthor himself. A true summer blockbuster in every sense of the word, because you’ve got to love a man who can hold up an entire planet and still look good in blue tights. And how does he manage to avoid being recognized by just putting on a pair of horn-rimmed glasses? Superpowers indeed! Three crowns