I might not do “geek” but apparently everybody else does. DC Comics makes yet another movie a movie that will do for these Super Heroes what “Iron Man” did for Robert Downey, Jr. (except DC didn’t make “Iron Man” but they made a couple little films called “Batman” and “Superman.”) Oh, who cares about any movie that ends with the word “Man” and has an audience full of them! One eager-watching teen said, “My dad told me about the comic books so that’s why I’m here.” That’s great, but I never felt for even one second of this movie that I really knew any of the characters, let alone what makes them tick. Perhaps the comic books would have helped me. The story goes something like this: When an ex-superhero “The Comedian” (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is murdered, a vigilante named Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley) begins an investigation into the murder, which begins to open a big can-of-worms and terrifying conclusions, that are way over my head. And that’s the problem, so let me let me best friend, Kenny, part geek and part comic book fanatic, do Screen Queen’s job: “I read and re-read Watchmen over the course of a week or so, giving me time to think about details, maybe flip back a few pages to see if I’d missed something, maybe thought about it as I was falling asleep and so on. The original came out as 12 monthly issues, so those early adopting fan boys who were in college when it came out like me digested it gradually over the course of a year. In the film, I knew exactly what was coming, having just re-read the book, but I think if I didn’t have the familiarity, I would have just plain missed most of the point and merely enjoyed the special effects, the fights, and Rorschach and then have left feeling a bit exhausted and unsure of what I’d just seen.” Parents be warned. This is a strong R Rating. Extremely violent due to the big incredible effects that are far more real than the pages of a comic book. This is in-your-face violence. That said, a sequel will surely be around the corner.